Debt Overview

As I said, I have lots of debt! Since I live in Euroland, that is the currency I will use. I will convert it to US Dollars, but since the exchange rates change all the time, this might not always be accurate anymore.

Family loans
First, in order of size, the debt to several of my family members:

Brother 1   €166 ($209.31)
Brother 2   €250 ($323)
Dad           €612 ($790.71)
Mom         €9657,50 ($12,477.50)
Total         €10685,50 ($13,805.67)

These numbers might seem a bit random, but that is because they are for specific items or bills. Like brother 1 bought me a festival ticket, I used my dad's credit card several times to book flights when my own credit card expired, and my mom paid some of my bills back home and send over money to keep me going every now and then.

Student loans
Right now I can't log into my account to see my debt statistics, but I've been assured this should be fixed within 5 days, so watch this space. A hint, it is about 4 times the amount of all the family loans together (if I remember correctly).