Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to make money with Hubpages

Hubpages is a site for writers. You can write fiction or informative articles, whatever you like. If you set up an account you can publish articles for free, and they actually share part of their revenue with you. Some people who write on this site make a full time living with it. I am not quite there yet, but I am working on getting there! You can also use hubpages to promote your own site or blog by linking you articles (or hubs) back to them.

How does Hubpages work?
Hubpages is an article website. You can sign up and write articles and post them on their site. This is a free service, which means you don't have to pay hosting fees or anything like that. You can also sign up for several affiliates, and then Hubpages will split the revenue with you. What they do is give you 60% of the pageviews, which means 60% of the people visiting your article will see your ads and whenever they click on them the revenue goes to you. The other 40% sees the ads that belong to hubpages. You can write hubs about topics that interest you, poetry, short stories, product reviews, or whatever else you can come up with. There are a few rules though, so make sure you check out the Learning Center when you sign up.

How to make money with the different affiliate sites
You can make money on hubpages with Google Adsense, Amazon, Ebay, and Kontera. You sign up with each of these programs and fill out your account details on hubpages. Adsense and Kontera will automatically show up on your articles (unless you specifically choose them not to be there), and for Amazon and Ebay you have to make capsules in which you can choose which products to show.
For Adsense and Kontera it works best to write informative hubs. People who come to these articles are looking for solutions for a problem they have and are most likely to click on a link if it looks helpful. So write articles on how to grow a garden, how to fix your computer, or anything else you have some knowledge about.
Ebay and Amazon work best when you write specific product reviews. This brings in people who are already looking for information on this product, and they are most likely to click on a link to go to Amazon or Ebay to buy the product. So write reviews about things you are already using around the house, like kitchen appliances, your favorite books and movies, furniture, gardening tools, or something else.

Using Hubpages to promote your own sites or blogs
You can use hubpages to build up backlinks to your own site, and increase traffic. In every hub you are allowed to have two links to the same domain. So if you have a blog about gardening for example, you could write a hub about growing tomatoes, and put two links back to your blog in it. I would advise you to put one link on the top of the hub, where people can see it immediately, and one at the bottom, so people can click that if they finish reading your hub. You can create several different hubs with backlinks, and this will give your site ranking a boost.

Make money from referrals
You can refer your family and friends to hubpages. If they sign up, you get 10% of their pageviews as well. So this would mean your referral gets 60%, you get 10% and hubpages keeps the remaining 30%. So if you have lots of referrals, and if they are very active this is an easy way to earn some extra money.

If you have anymore questions, please let me know and I will try to answer them as best as I can. Or click through to Hubpages and have a look around there. There are tons of hubs on how to make money with hubpages, how to write hubs, and much more. The forums are quite helpful as well. So sign up now and start making money!

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